Online Safety - Acceptable Use Policy, please complete by Friday, 4th October 2024
26th September 2024
Dear Families,
As part of their learning and development, your child will have the opportunity to access a wide range of digital technologies, including computers, games, and iPads at school. We recognise the value of using these digital technologies and the potential risks involved and therefore have rigorous online safety policies and procedures in place which are available to read on our website.
If there were to be a time of remote home learning (for example, if the school was closed for the day due to a water leak) your child will also have the opportunity to access digital technology at home, as they do at school. We recognise the value of using these digital technologies but also the potential risks involved.
In order to support us further in developing your child’s knowledge and understanding about online safety, please read the agreement below and discuss this with your child. We then ask that you complete the MS Forms to accept the agreement by Friday, 4th October 2024
We understand that your child may be too young to give full informed consent on their own; however, we feel it is good practice to involve them as much as possible in the decision-making process, and believe a shared commitment is the most successful partnership.
Hopefully, you will also find these rules provide an opportunity for further conversations between you and your child about safe and appropriate use of the online and digital technologies, both within and beyond the early years setting environment, such as at home or at a friend’s home.
If you have any queries, please do speak with your child’s class teacher or email the School Office.
Thank you for your ongoing support.