Willow (Year 4)

Welcome to Willow Class!
Welcome to Term 1! We hope you all had a lovely summer.
Our topic for Term 1 is Incredible Inventions! We will learn about the inventions of The Ancient Maya. This is a topic which will allow the children to explore the origins of many Mayan inventions such as chocolate, calendars and astronomy as well as learning about how the Ancient Maya lived their life.
Our Teachers...
Ms Krijnauw
Class Teacher
I am very excited to be teaching Willow class this year (I teach on Monday to Wednesday). Not only do I love being a teacher, I also love learning, especially about psychology and education. I also love being a mum to my 2 children and 2 cats.
Miss Patience
Class teacher
My name is Miss Patience. I have worked at Western Road for 6 wonderful years. I teach on a Thursday and Friday. 
A little about me... I love spending time with my 2 beautiful children. I have a Fine Art Degree and often spend my free time painting. I am getting married next summer! 
Mr Kirk
Teaching assistant
Monday - Friday 
I love going for walks on the South Downs, swimming and reading children's fiction.  I enjoy writing and performing stories and poems.
Miss Jade Billington
Individual Needs Assistant