Summer Week 2 27th April

Hello Year Six,
We hope that you have had a lovely weekend, and that you managed to enjoy some sunshine. All of the resources you need for maths and English are here for you on this page, and will be added to the SeeSaw App daily as well. Please be aware that the other foundation subjects will be added to this page and SeeSaw daily.
We would like you to remember that the most important thing during this period of lockdown is that we all stay as well as possible, and that we look after each other. So, while we will continue to upload work onto this site, as well as on SeeSaw, we do not want any of you to worry if you do not complete it all every day. You may find that you are able to do more on some days than on others - or that you prefer to focus on different subjects on different days. Please do whatever works best for you. We would suggest that you do the core subjects - maths and English - first where possible.
Stay safe and well, Year Six! We are missing you and thinking of you every day.
Mrs Hamilton and Mrs Bennett xx
This Week's Learning Resources
Maths follows the same format as usual this week. We are starting a new unit all about ratio. Please see the directions on the presentation for details on exactly how much we are hoping you will do. It is lovely to see so many of you completing the whole of a challenge sheet. Please continue to do this if you want to! However, our hints in the presentations will show you how you can cut down if it is too much on any particular day.
In English we are continuing the unit of work we began last week. Please follow the presentations and have some scrap paper to hand for drafts and notes. Activities can then be completed in your home learning books.
We are going to be looking at a unit on responsible consumerism this week. Please take the general quiz, using the presentation and answer key, and then do the follow up activity (on the last slide) in your home learning book. More foundation activities will be added to this site daily.
Maths Resources
English Resources
Foundation Subject Resources
There is an Oak Class blog with ideas for a wide variety of activities to keep everyone busy at home, and to allow children to share and celebrate what they have been up to. Posts will be added regularly throughout the holidays and during term time too. Click on the link and subscribe to receive notifications. There will be plenty to interest other Key Stage 2 year groups too, so do have a look!